
ADA 30th Anniversary

Andrew Skinner julio 25, 2020 News, Noteworthy, SCI

July 26th, 2020 is the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

It has made a tremendous impact on improving quality of life for people with disabilities and beyond. It was a big step towards improving inclusion and equality for all.

When the ADA became law, our community was forever changed.

It protects the rights of people with disabilities in all aspects of employment, in accessing public services, and guaranteeing access to all places like restaurants, stores, hotels and commercial buildings.

And everyone in the country benefited from its "curb cut effect," the fact that universal design intended to benefit people with disabilities winds up benefiting everyone.

The ADA enables Triumph to build our Inclusive Community, making everything accessible so we can provide support throughout the United States, giving us hope and endless possibilities for the future.

We salute everyone who advocated and are responsible for fighting to pass this important piece of legislation.

Below are three testimonies from lives who've been blessed.

I hope you find a way to celebrate this landmark achievement.

Elmer Jacobs Jr.

Since I have been in wheelchair, I have benefited directly from Americans with Disabilities Act.

ADA has been a tremendous help getting us into society, from curb-cuts to restaurants, businesses, travel and housing.

It has been all Hands on Deck Effort – the ADA has opened so many 3ft wide doors for us!

ADA has ensured a better way of life, having access equals freedom and independence.

Elmer Jacobs Jr.
Paraplegic | Architect
Paralyzed Veterans of America, California Chapter President

Erika Franco

Thanks to the ADA I've had the opportunity to return to college. Having the university be accessible was a key component to pursue my career.

The law ensured I had an equal learning opportunity – with the ability to navigate the campus, fit through all the doorways, access all the restrooms, and more.

The ADA gave me more than the ability to attend college and earn my Bachelors in Social Work – it enabled me to thrive in an inclusive community! I'm forever grateful.

Erika Franco
Paraplegic | College Student

Jeff Harrison

There are over 61 million Americans who have some disability. The Americans with Disability Act (ADA) was enacted to protect the rights of people with disabilities in all aspects of employment, in accessing public services such as transportation, and guaranteeing access to private establishments (places of public accommodation) such as restaurants, stores, hotels and commercial buildings.

The ADA was passed with the intent to make it possible for everyone with a disability to live a life of freedom and equality. That's why it's so important to me and the community we serve.

Jeff Harrison, Esq.
Metz & Harrison, LLP

If you or someone you know needs help, please contact us.

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