
Love Stories – Love is possible

Andrew Skinner febrero 21, 2019 Triumph Outreach Update, Videos

Wuv, sweet wuv!

I hope you enjoyed the love stories we shared on Valentines Day.  Watch them here if you missed them.

Here's another love story video to celebrate.

One thing we can never get enough of is love. And the one thing we never give enough of is love.

Love is possible. Love has ALL ability. Create your love story this year.

Mike & Kristen - A Love Story

Meet Mike and Kristen. Mike was snowboarding in 2001 when he fell and broke his neck suffering a spinal cord injury. Young, lost in world he never dreamed he'd be part of, he was starting a new beginning. He returned to college at Cal State Northridge and started taking classes at the Center of Achievement. While there, he had a pretty teaching assistant who was slightly more mature, but there was an attraction and a connection. They started dating, going on adventures and soon fell in love. Today, they've been married for 9 years, have a beautiful daughter named Grace, and are happy.

I hope their story is an encouragement to all you singles out there, you never know who you might meet. Love is possible.

Watch their love story:

Save the dates

Los Angeles Abilities Expo

This weekend is the Abilities Expo located at the L.A. Convention Center.

Come out to this free trade show featuring all the latest & greatest in mobility devices, service organizations, and adaptive equipment.

We’re at booth 423 so you’ll always have a homebase, and be sure to rock your Triumph Foundation T-shirt! #represent #TriumphFamily

Wheelchair Sports Festival

Our 8th Annual Wheelchair Sports Festival is on April 27th & 28th at the Santa Clarita Sports Complex.

Featuring wheelchair hockey, basketball, quad rugby, scuba, handcycling, WCMX, baseball, and more adaptive activities.

Triumph hosts this FREE event to introduce athletics to people that are newly injured, children, Veterans, and the whole community. Register for FREE.

Casino Night

Our Let'em Roll Fundraiser is on Saturday, July 13th!

Roll the dice, spin the wheel, and help others beat the odds!

Don’t miss this exciting Triumph Foundation tradition that provides funding for all our outreach programs.

The event features a three-course prime rib dinner, dancing, and casino games.


Love you

I trust you are enjoying these love stories.

I'm sensitive to the fact that not everyone is in a loving relationship, but I think it's important to celebrate those that are.

If you'd like to learn more about 2019 events: Events Calendar

If you want to get involved, we really need your help: Volunteer

If you'd like to get connected with people who care: Contact Us

If you want to support our life changing work, Make a Monthly Gift

A small donation each month helps keep our focus on serving families, and is an easy and affordable way for you to invest in those in need.

Your support means so much to the people we serve!

Andrew Skinner

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