
More Good News!

Andrew Skinner August 21, 2020 News, Sponsorship, Triumph Outreach Update, Upcoming Events, Videos

More Good News!

We're setting new records! Watch the video above for an epic update from Andrew about all that's going on with Triumph - despite the limitations of a worldwide pandemic.

As you know, we had to cancel our primary fundraiser for the year, but that isn't stopping us from giving more Keep Moving Forward Grants than ever. We're helping others make it through personal financial crises and we're connecting every day with newly-injured patients who need to know they're not alone!

Plus, we're still holding two of our most popular events virtually - The Let'em Roll Poker Tournament and the Superheroes Triumph 5k. So don't let social distance keep you from enjoying life or helping others triumph over their disabilities. More event details below.

Virtual Events!

The party is just getting started with our slate of Virtual Events. Get involved. Meet new friends. Help others triumph!

Every year we gather together to help others beat the odds in wild casino action. This year is no different, but this time we're holding it online! The odds are in your favor to win great prizes and have fun, fun, FUN!!

Join us for our Virtual Poker Tournament on Saturday, August 29th at 4 PM.

Test your limits wherever you are with our virtual race! Choose your distance of 5K, 10K, or 10 miles. Then run, walk, or roll to discover the power inside yourself! Sign Up Today

The Challenge – If you have SCI/D and you're ambulatory, set your own distance goal to walk. Whether you walk the entire way or just a few steps, you're a Superhero when you Rise-to-the-Challenge! Watch last year's Challengers.

Listen to our podcast on SoundCloud and Apple Podcasts.

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