
Grateful, Thankful, and Blessed

Andrew Skinner November 21, 2023 News, Noteworthy, SCI, Videos

We are thankful for YOU!

Thanksgiving is a time for reflection, and Triumph has so much to be thankful for.  We are absolutely blessed to have your faithful support.

At times like this, I’m just grateful to think back on the people we’ve helped this year - people like Rosa, Jared, Leslie, and Abel.

Watch their video below sharing their gratitude and heartfelt thanks to you.

For Rosa, Jared, Leslie, and Abel - and the thousands of others we've served, your generosity has made all the difference in the world.

Will you consider giving a year-end gift to help others like them?

I can’t thank you enough for your support and friendship which allows us to serve our community every day of the year.

Happy Thanksgiving from your Triumph-Family!

You can be door-busters on BlackFriday and web-crashers on CyberMonday, but on GivingTuesday you are WORLD CHANGERS!

All day long next Tuesday, November, 28th we’ll share awesome stories of triumph and fun ways to make a difference.

Get a head start by making your gift TODAY!

If you or someone you know needs help, please contact us.

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