Want to See a Fight?
August 23, 2017 Noteworthy, Upcoming EventsIf you are interested in seeing a fight next weekend, come see people in the fight of their life by joining us at our Let'em Roll Fundraiser.
Right now there is a lot of commotion going on about a big fight, but it's not even close to being the main event or fight of the century.
Join Triumph Foundation and help people who have gone through one of the most challenging circumstances that anyone can face, and then against all odds they push themselves to the limits to fight their way to recovery and claim victory.
Every day we work with people who suffer a traumatic accident that causes paralysis. They are faced with the ultimate test, insurmountable odds, and are pushed to their limits in this battle. This fight requires extreme endurance, willpower, and is the most important contest of their life.
You can be part of their triumph by attending our Let'em Roll Fundraiser. This event will be meaningful and will last much longer than just a few rounds.
You don't want to miss it!
Equipping People For Victory
Rancho Los Amigos Care Backpack Outreach
Every year Triumph meets hundreds of people who are in the fight of their life to equip them with the necessary resources, tools, and training to triumph.
Just this week your support helped 16 people who recently had a spinal cord injury at Rancho Los Amigos Hospital. These brave men and women were happy to learn that you and the entire Triumph team are in their corner backing them up.
Feel free to contribute!