
Episode 11: Inclusive Community – Families, Adaptive Clothing, ABC Medical

Andrew Skinner August 13, 2020 Podcasts

Listen to our recent podcast!

Andrew Skinner discusses the importance of Families, the 5th section of our Circle of Care chart, and our episode sponsor ABC Medical.

ABC Medical serves as your personal resource with a comprehensive line of medical supplies that includes urological, ostomy, incontinence and wound care supplies. Their team is the first and only urology supply provider in the industry committed to adaptive sports, believing we can and will make a difference in the communities we serve.

Their team is committed to helping Triumph Foundation, believing together we can and will make a difference in the communities we serve. Their customer service reps Lena and Matt will help with your monthly medical supply shipment. Just ask! They will take care of YOU, make sure you mention you're part of our #TriumphFamily.

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