Spinal Cord Injury Return-to-Work Training Study
The Casa Colina Spinal Cord Injury Return-to-Work Training Study provides training opportunities and support services in a safe learning environment for individuals with spinal cord injury. The goal of the study is to help these individuals obtain gainful employment and re-integrate into their community.
What is involved with participation in this study?
• Participants undergo a total of 200 hours of training at Casa Colina Hospital and Centers for Healthcare over a three-month period.
• Participants receive individualized job training, vocational navigation, and support in returning to work.
• Participants receive a stipend for the completion of hours.
Who is eligible to apply for the study?
• Any individuals who have experienced a spinal cord injury and desire to return to work.
• Participants must complete volunteer training and screening.
• Please apply ASAP. The application deadline is Friday, March 13, 2020.
How to apply? Questions?
Please apply at the following link: https://is.gd/scireturntoworktraining.
If you have questions or concerns, contact Nakisha Gutierrez, OTD, OTR at [email protected] or
Niko Fullmer at 909/596-7733, ext. 2220 or [email protected].
Feel free to contribute!