10 days until the FINISH LINE!
October 21, 2020 News, Noteworthy, SCI, Upcoming EventsTriumph's Superhero Race is about to GO OFF, and you've only got 10 days left to save the day.
Join us for our Superheroes Triumph Run!
Superheroes come in all different types and abilities: Iron Man, Captain America, Batman, and Wonder Woman. The world also needs a Superhero just like YOU!
So lace up your sneakers or pump up your tires and Race-for-a-Cause!
What? The Superheroes Triumph! Virtual Race is a 5K / 10K / 10 Mile run, walk or roll that benefits Triumph Foundation.
When? Race anytime between NOW through Halloween, October 31st.
Where? Participate in your very own neighborhood, run your favorite trail, on your treadmill, or go on a SUPER long Trick-or-Treating mission!
Prizes? The fastest runner, roller, and powerchair racer will WIN AMAZING PRIZES
How do I record my results? Use a tracking app on your phone or mobile device (Runkeeper, Strava, Map My Run, etc.) and upload your results when you are finished.
Race Price?The "Fantastic 5K" starts at only $25. Kids race for only $10!!
Why? Help Triumph provide critical support services to kids, adults and Veterans living with disabilities.
Best Costume Contest
For some extra fun, run dressed as your favorite Superhero!
Take photos to post on social media, and tag #RunTriumph2020, #RaceForACause
Or send us your fabulous newsworthy photos to be chosen as the BEST dressed caped crusader
The Challenge
If you have SCI/D or disability and are ambulatory, set a distance goal to walk.
Whether you walk the entire way or just a step or two, you're a Superhero when you Rise-to-the-Challenge!
The Swag
Each registration includes a virtual bib and medal! Plus the more you run, the more swag you get.
Sign up for the 10-Mile Challenge or for all three distances, and get a FREE SUPERHERO Tshirt!
Our Virtual Superheroes!
The pandemic may have altered or cancelled most activities, but one thing is for certain, FUN is not cancelled!
Unable to participate? Donate to one of our SUPERHEROES Fundraisers.
Be a HERO for us! 100% of the proceeds benefit Triumph Foundation and our mission to help real everyday heroes triumph over paralysis.
Feel free to contribute!