The cornerstone of Triumph Foundation is educating people who are newly disabled. We provide resources and referrals to help equip people to achieve greater quality of life.
Triumph Ambassadors give referrals through the distribution of our Resource Handbook that provides information on where to find and receive necessary goods and services.
This online version is an extensive list of excellent products and services available to people in the disabled community. It covers many relevant topics including adapted vehicles, medical supplies, wheelchairs, housing, and support groups.
Explore these pages to locate great people and companies who care about you and enjoy serving the needs of the disability community.
SCI Forums
CareCure has over 70 forums where we discuss everything from Life to Legislation & Advocacy, from Sports and Travel to Pain, from Computers to Politics. We discuss it all! Please come join us!
FacingDisability was specifically created to connect families who suddenly have to deal with a spinal cord injury with other people like them. Our website has more than 1,000 videos of family members answering real-life questions about how they cope with a spinal cord injury.
Cure Nation offers blogs and articles to guide you to places, topics and resources that enhance your life, while also connecting you with a growing group of friends.
Your personal CaringBridge website is your place to share health updates, photos and videos with the people who care about you. The website is designed to rally your family and friends together, to offer you support when and how you need it.
The First 90 Days is a guide to acute SCI. The book, distributed free in print and online, offers a roadmap to people with spinal cord injuries. The book offers details on the complex medical and psychological issues that define SCI.
Triumph Foundation is the Golden State Chapter of United Spinal Association. United Spinal is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of all people living with a spinal cord injury or disease (SCI/D). Our programs and services provide support and information to people with a Spinal Cord Injury, their loved ones, care providers and professionals. Chapters located across the USA.
Videos on understanding spinal cord injury, developed by Shepherd Center, uses simple language and images of real people who have sustained a spinal cord injury, as well as medical experts and advocates.
Pushrim, Life After Spinal Injury is a social network and support resource for friends, family, and survivors of spinal cord injury. is an online resource community for members to connect with not-for-profits, suppliers, services, industry leaders, as well as each other. They bring the Abilities Expo, the world’s premier consumer show producer for people with disabilities, to your home.
The Spinal Cord Injury Zone is a Spinal Cord Injury educational Knowledge Base. The mission of The Spinal Cord Injury Zone is to blog & archive important Spinal Cord Injury News and Spinal Cord Injury Information for education and awareness.
SPINALpedia is a social mentoring network and video archive that allows the spinal cord injury community to motivate each other with the knowledge and triumphs gained from our individual experiences. Check out their videos.
This site is an informative resource for those living with a spinal cord injury or other disabling injuries or diseases of the spine. It is meant to be a “best of the web” site for SCI health and caregiver information. Lots of great info & links!
AbleThrive is a platform that sources high-quality content related to living well with a disability from people, organizations and hospitals around the world. They find and share articles and videos that offer stories, advice, and experiences that humanize the disability experience. It is too difficult for people to find information that can be life changing for a family facing a disability. They want to make the journey easier and open the doors of collaboration, so everyone has a chance to thrive.
The Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC) summarizes research, identifies health information needs, and develops information resources to support the Model Systems programs in meeting the needs of individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI), traumatic brain injury (TBI), and burn injury (Burn).
The New England SCI Toolkit (NESCIT) is a collaborative effort between facilities providing spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation in New England. This collaboration ensures patients throughout New England and beyond are receiving the same coordinated standard of care wherever they receive rehabilitation. Further, this Toolkit will aid in building capacity at facilities that may not treat patients with SCI often enough to have developed expertise.
Determined2Heal helps simplify the transition into life with paralysis. They provide information and advice for people with spinal cord injuries, their families and friends, as well as rehabilitative adventures. Get started in the Steps to Recovery Section.
Wheel:Life is a global initiative that assists people in addressing the many questions and challenges that come with using a wheelchair. Wheel:Life resources help people: find quality health and medical resources, related research and news; explore educational and employment avenues; research the proper adaptive equipment, assistive technology, home modification and home medical equipment for their needs; network within local and virtual peer support groups; discover accessible travel destinations; and enjoy a full and active life as a wheelchair user.
Information on spinal cord injuries, treatment, SCI therapies, and central cord syndrome.
Triumph Foundation’s mission is to help children, adults, and Veterans with spinal cord injury/disorder to triumph over their disability and to inspire them to keep moving forward with their lives by pushing themselves to get better every day.
Live To Roll is dedicated to helping Quadriplegics have a more independent lives. Shawn Fluke, a C5-5 quadriplegic posts videos of various techniques and tools that he’s learned over the last 11 years living as a quadriplegic.
Ben Clark videos of workouts, nutrition, advice, and motivation.
Richard makes videos for newly injured wheelchair users to help improve their quality of life and regain independence.