The cornerstone of Triumph Foundation is educating people who are newly disabled. We provide resources and referrals to help equip people to achieve greater quality of life.
Triumph Ambassadors give referrals through the distribution of our Resource Handbook that provides information on where to find and receive necessary goods and services.
This online version is an extensive list of excellent products and services available to people in the disabled community. It covers many relevant topics including adapted vehicles, medical supplies, wheelchairs, housing, and support groups.
Explore these pages to locate great people and companies who care about you and enjoy serving the needs of the disability community.
Veterans Services
5901 E. Seventh Street Bldg 150 R-204 Long Beach, CA 90822
562-826-5713 or 800-497-0565
Non-Profit Organization Serving Veterans with spinal cord injury/disease
Old Military and Civil Records (NWCTB-Military)
Retrieve missing Separation Papers (pre-1950 and DD-214)
Textual Services Division
700 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20408-0001
The Semper Fi Fund, and its program America’s Fund, provide immediate financial assistance and lifetime support to post 9/11 wounded, critically ill and injured members of all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, and their families, ensuring that they have the resources they need during their recovery and transition back to their communities. They provide financial, emotional, and tiered support for our injured/ill service members and their families through the following programs: Family Support, Adaptive Housing, Adaptive Transportation, Specialized Equipment, Education and Career Transitioning, Rehabilitative Sports programs, and more.
Works to maximize the quality of life for its members and all people with SCI/D as a leading advocate for health care, SCI/D research and education, veterans’ benefits and rights, accessibility and the removal of architectural barriers, sports programs, and disability rights.
Improve the quality of life for veterans of the US Armed Forces and others who have a spinal cord injury or disease.
5901 E. Seventh St.
Bldg 150
Long Beach, CA 90822
562-826-8000, x2349
SCI Admissions Coordinator (to establish SCI care at Long Beach VA Hospital)
3350 La Jolla Village Dr.
San Diego, CA 92161
SCI Admissions Coordinator (to establish SCI care at San Diego VA Hospital)
Veterans who are SCI victims, and injury is unrelated to military duties, are eligible to receive VA medical care.
562-826-800, x5353
Providing representation to America’s veterans and their dependents.
This site allows you to search for VA hospitals that provide medical, surgical, mental health, geriatric, spinal cord injury, and advanced rehabilitation services.
Improve the quality of life for disabled veterans, and others, by the use of introduction, familiarization, and instruction of recreational and competitive driving.
Special Pension provides benefits for veterans and surviving spouses who require the regular attendance of another person to assist in eating, bathing, dressing and undressing or taking care of the needs of nature. It also includes individuals who are blind or a patient in a nursing home because of mental or physical incapacity.
Organization of disabled veterans who are focused on building better lives for disabled veterans and their families. Provides free assistance to veterans in obtaining benefits and services earned through their military service. It is fully funded through its membership dues and public contributions. It is not a government agency and receives no government funds
Dedicated to foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation’s history
Serves disabled veterans (paraplegic, quadriplegic, PTSD, TBI, poly-trauma, blind or amputee) by helping them experience the camaraderie of SCUBA diving and the wonders of the underwater world. For non-veterans they are happy to put you into contact with HSA Certified instructors who can teach you outside of the Disabled Veterans SCUBA Project.
The HSA has dedicated itself to improving the physical and social well-being of people with disabilities through the sport of scuba diving.
Provides free of charge its unique program of Ocean Therapy to the United States Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Battalion-West, as well as the Veterans from the West LA Veterans Hospital and youth from several care and shelter facilities for abused and foster children. The JMMF Ocean Therapy program for the Marines takes place year round on the beach at Camp Pendleton and the program for the Veterans and children operates on the beach at Manhattan Beach, CA, during the spring and summer months.
Veterans or service members who have specific service-connected disabilities may be entitled to a grant from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for the purpose of constructing an adapted home or modifying an existing home to meet their adaptive needs.
To provide Veterans/Active Military/Reservists and their families throughout Southern California basic home furnishings for newly acquired residences. Additionally, at Patriots and Paws for those Veteran/Military service folks that are interested, they can be matched up with a rescued companionship animal. They provide resources to support and guide them as they transition into civilian life. All provided FREE of charge.
Paralyzed Veterans of America publication resources.